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Industries /
Rising costs, increasing complexity and competition have pushed manufacturing companies’ profit margins to its’ lowest levels today. Cost of quality and components have never become more important and extracting insights into operational efficiencies is key to profitability.
WIYASA’s ability to analyze IOT data and develop a model around the effectiveness of assets and operations helps manufacturers understand and derive insights not available previously in other business analytics solutions. In addition to analyzing data from the sensors, the WIYASA ENGINE™ is able to analyze correlations and develop a financial insight into the world of IOT.
Improving asset effectiveness, production efficiency and lot profitability are some of the key benefits manufacturers realized through the power of the platform. The ability to view operational and IOT data with a financial view helps the executive make better decisions.
Indian Pharmaceutical Group
Data Insights Challenge
The client wanted better visibility of their current AR position across the country and manage their clients through a credit risk management framework. The data at the back end was being sourced through multiple systems and excel sheets.
WIYASA Data Platform Solution
Within weeks, WIYASA deployed a Credit Risk Management framework including a credit scoring mechanism to map all clients in a consistent manner nationwide. WIYASA rendered the entire solution on a dynamic geo map for easy visualization of key clients/territories and current credit balances, purchases, and inventory.
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