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Retail & Consumer Services

Retail & Consumer Services

The retail challenge continues in competing for every available dollar of scarce consumer income. Online shopping is also changing the way in which consumers buy and transact driving physical stores & suppliers to have to streamline operations and present unique differentiation to remain financially viable. Understanding and predicting buyer behaviour becomes essential.

WIYASA offers advanced big data analytics solutions for both customer buyer behavior insights as well as operational / inventory optimization. Revenue, costs, activities and inventory data can be quickly integrated and analyzed to provide accurate and timely management insights. The WIYASA ENGINE™ enables accurate predictions on matching of inventory and services to specific customer needs.

Having the customer, financial, operational and inventory data integrated into one platform enables accurate and reliable assessment of past individual and locational performance and activity drivers. Adding further relevant external unstructured data eg. social media, enables a comprehensive view and predictive model to be developed on future issues, opportunities, and actions.


Indian Pharmaceutical Group

Data Insights Challenge

The client wanted better visibility of their current AR position across the country and manage their clients through a credit risk management framework. The data at the back end was being sourced through multiple systems and excel sheets.

WIYASA Data Platform Solution

Within weeks, WIYASA deployed a Credit Risk Management framework including a credit scoring mechanism to map all clients in a consistent manner nationwide. WIYASA rendered the entire solution on a dynamic geo map for easy visualization of key clients/territories and current credit balances, purchases, and inventory.

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